Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Random Facts/Habits

I've been tagged by Charlie (a long time ago).
The rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

My Eight Random Facts/Habits
1. Fact: I was out of town on a Youth Ministry trip on my 1 year anniversary.
2. Habit: I read on the toilet. Therefore I spend much more time, on average, on the toilet than should be necessary.
3. Fact: I bite my fingernails, but I'm so good at it that most people think I obsessively clip them.
4. Habit: I am terrified of public restrooms. Therefore, if my business necessitates actual flesh on porcelain contact, I make a toilet paper butt gasket no fewer than three layers thick.
5. Fact: I love my wife and feel terrible about missing our first anniversary. However, I feel that our impending trip to Hawaii (on which we will hit each island, and for which we will pay NOTHING) kinda begins to make things better.
6. Fact: I recently caught a glimpse of heaven when some students from my youth group fed a homeless man in St. Louis named Carlos, then I prayed with him, then he sang us a song he wrote (which was surprisingly quite good and the performance of which was actually very moving.)
7. Habit: My wife and I routinely blame everything on our dog, Marley, then threaten to do horrible bad parent type things to him. It's all in good fun though.
8. Fact: I am not going to tag anyone because I don't know enough people who blog well enough. So I'll just re-post the people Charlie tagged in case you are interested enough to follow the train back up the tracks.
Wilson Ryland, Eric Lee, Kaz Trypuc, Brian Postlewait, Mike Murrow, Rusty Brian, Matt Martinson and Mike King

Monday, July 02, 2007

A Fourth of July Prayer from Isaiah 42

O Creator God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who establishes and destroys the nations.

Thank you for sending your Son, who shows us how to best know you by leading us down a road we had not known, faithfully bringing forth justice in all the ways that we had failed to do so before, and making our hopes a reality on earth.

But help us, your people now, who again fail to trust and acknowledge your justice, even though you have laid it out before us. How much worse are we who still hope in that which you have shown to be dust? Who return to our dark prison of violence and who bow before foreign flags?

Bring us to repentance. Restore our breath that comes not from the world's miasmatic air, but from your teaching and Spirit.

May we not fail you again, but may we be the beacon of righteousness that you created and called us to be so that the world, when confronted by you in your fullness, will be unable to say that it has never seen you.

In the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who alone is Lord, and through the power of your Holy Spirit - May It Be So.