Thursday, May 22, 2008

From Our Cold Dead Hands

"Sometimes the value of a thing lies not in what we get by means of it, but in what we pay for it - what it costs us."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

I have no doubt that the way I am about to use this quote is unfaithful to the way Nietzsche originally intended it. But little bones of scripture have for years been lifted from the ribcage of a lamb and used as vertabrea to build a serpent. So I am claiming this method for the lamb.

What does Jesus, what does Christian discipleship, cost us?

Nothing. It is a free gift.

No. This Jesus who requires nothing of us is indeed an idol. Nietzsche was more right than he knew. Let's get beyond the easily regurgitated Sunday School answers and the abc's of salvation. What does it cost us? What does it take from us?

Our sinfulness.

The gift of God's Son wrests this from us; and yet it is so precious to us.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I join a saint in heaven named Bonhoeffer in saying "amen brother."