Friday, July 18, 2008

Youtube Crystal Ball

I believe I may have been granted a glimpse into my future.

*Update* Youtube keeps trying to take this video down. Perhaps they are scared of it's mystical powers. So here she is:


Scott Savage said...

Speaking of the future, you ever heard of Neil Frisby from the Capstone Cathedral? They talk about him in Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory.

Thomas (Murphy) Bridges said...

Why are they trying to take it down???

Wilson Ryland said...

Scott, no I have not. But I'm about to start that book for our class. See you in a few weeks. (Look at that, I'm telling the future now.)

Thomas, I think it's simply a copyright issue. I don't think the BBC has posted an authorized copy. If they have, it wasn't the one I was posting here.
