Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy Saturday World

It's a nice heartache
She found there;
It's a new mistake
Done with her same old flair.
So she'll come back alive
With Christ-like scars
To pharisaical eyes
And dead mylar hearts.

She found her life on the other side of the grave.

You've been born again;
Have you ever died?
'Cuz she died more than once
Back when she killed them
With love and a clutch.
Now doubts can occupy
The same space as her faith,
Like the grave that held life.

In sacred silence we wait

In a Holy Saturday world
Where reason's crushed and uncurled
Until the holes in our systems provide
Glimpses of redemption.

It snowed the day
They lifted the lid
And found him hidden away
In the [mud and grit].
They had his friend drag him
Like Simon's cross
Across the pot-holed yard
To the furnace door.

He descended to hell. His ashes fell with the flakes

In a Holy Saturday world
Where reason's crushed and uncurled
Until the holes in our systems provide
Glimpses of redemption.

Is there any way around hell, in this foolish story we tell?

(Copyright 2008)


Anonymous said...

Since honesty is something I feel is very easy for me with you...can I be honest and say this bothers me?

I can assume you would know why. Can I also assume that it's okay it bothers me?


Wilson Ryland said...

D - Absolutely. Since honesty is something we both value, I guess I take the opportunity so share that it bothers me to. I really struggled with whether or not to share this. I am concerned since I don't know everyone who reads my blog and am not sure how it would help or hinder them. My prayer is that it would stimulate honest thought and perhaps even discussion. I should also admit that I was very troubled myself when I wrote this. It was me trying to make my through a very difficult subject and time in my own life as I watched death break in on so many around me that I love so much. So I was/am bothered by it as well. I just hope it says something honest and true.

Wilson Ryland said...

Ok, well now I'm confused. It seems my friend named Demetrius, who always signs his emails, "D" has no idea what I'm talking about. So, anonymous signed D, would you mind coming forth with your full name? I would love some good, honest conversation, but I'm sorry, am at a loss as to whom I should speak. :)

Anonymous said...


Hey man...sorry about the confusion! So, I read your poem and I'm not bothered by it. Intrigued yes, bothered no. Good ideas and imagery. I really liked it. I have no idea who wrote the earlier post. Hopefully my imposter will identify themself...

D(emetrius Allen Marsh)

Anonymous said...
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